Friday, April 11, 2008


This blog is for Catholic animators, and Catholics interested in the art, to share ideas, thoughts, clips, news, doodles -- anything that we might find interesting. That means it's going to get pretty goofy sometimes! That's almost guaranteed with a group of adults that have more toys on their desks than their children have at home. In fact, some of us have been known to steal our kids' toys when they aren't looking. But I digress...

I hope that by networking together like this we'll affirm each other in our Holy Faith and our vocations as artists, both of which can seem overwhelming at times.

Enough of's something I pulled out of my archives from 9 years ago. My how time fwies! (as Elmer would say)


regina doman said...

That is a cute bunny rabbit! Great stuff!

Thom said...

I didn't actually design him, but the animation was meant to be cute or funny or something. It was a while ago...

RadiantFalls said...

That is funny! I like the 'snappy' style, probably because it's something that seems to be just beyond my abilities to really execute well. Kudos!

Unknown said...

Well what do you know! Neat.