Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Howdy Folks!

Just thought I would say hello and join this thang! Here is a link to my old reel:


The "jtiger" part is from a friend of mine who is hosting the site. I need to get something better going.

Thanks for inviting me Thom. It is great to have Catholic friends in the biz!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If I were creating the world ...

I found this clip for a short animated dialogue shot and had some funny idea rolling around in my head how it would be animated. I don't even remember what movie it came from and I certainly had never seen it before - so that makes it even more interesting.

When I showed my professor my blocking he looked at it and said 'uhh ... yeah ... can't you do more than that?' so needless to say, I canned my first approach and when I came back with this setup he was much more interested. I haven't worked on this in over a year ... and here I am firing back up to get it completed and this time ... I have a deadline!

Monday, June 2, 2008

I've got a new technical rigging demo up for this thesis project thingy. Check it out here.

It's the most advanced and flexible rig I've ever created before and I've been learning a lot about mel scripting in the process. I think I'm going to create a custom window with all my scripts in it because sometimes there're just useful utility scripts that get made for a project and not really saved.

For example I wrote a script that took the selected control object and colored it. Red for RIGHT and Blue for LEFT. Very simple, very useful in a character rig and I wouldn't want it to get lost in the code ... so Jason Manak's MEL Scripting Bible ... a project in planning.